
Why it’s important to care for your plants and pool before starting a roofing project 

A friend was telling us a story recently where, after having her roof replaced by a different contractor several years ago, she spent an entire day walking the property with a metal detector and trash bag so she could grab all the loose nails and debris from the installation that the contractor never took care of. A little home protection goes a long way.

Sure, the roof looked amazing. But there were smaller, hidden hazards everywhere – in the grass, buried inside her plants and shrubs and nearby trees, in her pool, and next to downspouts. A real mess.

Obviously this is an extreme horror story of post-roof replacement. Most roofers are mindful of cleaning up after themselves. But try as they may, it’s admittedly difficult to prevent small debris like nails and broken shingles from falling from the roof during the install. Our friend’s story goes to show how important it is for roofing companies and general contractors to take time to offer home protection and cover all sensitive areas surrounding a property before tearing off the first shingle.

Sage General Contractor provides roof repair & home protection!

  • We cover all plants, shrubs, patio furniture, and nearby trees. Nails, metal flashings, and broken shingles can cut like a razor blade and cause damage to lawns, plants, and flower beds. It also poses a risk to homeowners with children and pets who play in the front yard. We cover everything with tarps and sheets and relocate potted plants to make the overall clean-up process quicker. We’ll also work with the homeowner to educate them on the construction site plans.
  • We do a complete analysis of your spa or pool and check for any exposed equipment. Most people don’t think about their pools getting ruined since they are generally further away from the roof itself. But falling nails and other debris like sawdust or shingle granules can damage expensive equipment, find their way into a a pool vacuum, and create an unsightly mess. We tarp your pool and equipment to ensure as much safety as possible.
  • We stay mindful of all other areas of your property as we walk carefully around your landscaping and sprinkler systems. Depending on the project size, we could have as many as 10 or more workers on your property. That’s a lot of foot traffic, but many of them will spend their time finding falling debris while our other workers are on your roof.
  • We do it for FREE. All work performed by Sage is our way of going above and beyond. If a homeowner is going to trust us with their roofing system, we should do all we can to protect the rest of their property.

Sage General Contractor is qualified and experienced to take on the management of your storm damage project. Call us (972-420-6500) or contact us here for a free, no obligation inspection of your home.