Roof Repair & Pet Safety

Roof repair & Pet Safety

5 Tips to Pet Safety during Roof Repair

A roof repair or home remodeling project can be a stressful time for a homeowner, even on the day when your roofer shows up to put everything back together again. After all, your house essentially becomes a construction site, and no matter who you have in your corner, it’s difficult to avoid the incredibly loud banging noises all day long.

It’s a lot to cope with. And believe it or not, your pets are bound to be just as stressed out as you.

At Sage General Contractor, we make every attempt to keep your home as safe as possible during repairs. We also help homeowners who happen to be pet lovers consider all angles of home repair – from protecting plants and furnishings to … yes … how to consider their pet’s welfare.


  1. Get Pets Out of the House 
    If possible, take your furry family members somewhere else. Consider boarding them or seeing if a friend, neighbor, or family member can watch them for the couple days of roof repair. This is a preventative measure for pets who are easily frightened or upset by loud construction noises. Even docile pets get nervous, which can lead to sickness, accidents, non-stop barking, or resorting to nervous chewing on walls, doors, and furniture.
  2. Consider Your Daily Routine 
    If boarding is not an option, shorten your work day to give your pet a chance to leave the house. Come home and take your pets for a walk around the neighborhood while work is being completed.
  3. Restrict Their Access to the Construction Area 
    Work zones are difficult to seal off, especially during remodeling, where dust and debris can fall from anywhere. Also, as doors constantly open and close, it’s easy for pets to escape. Instead of allowing your pets to roam the house, put them in a separate room where they feel most comfortable, and draw the shades down.
  4. Be Hands-On During Outside Potty Breaks 
    Carry your pets to a secluded spot for bathroom breaks rather than let them run through a potentially dangerous construction site, where they are bound to chew on or swallow something that isn’t good for them. They could just as easily step on an errant nail or other debris, causing injury.
  5. If Your Pet Wants to Hide, That’s OK 
    One of our customers told us a story about her dog, who always crawls underneath the bed an hour or two before a storm hits. That’s her dog’s safe area, and the homeowner has not once tried to change that. If you have difficulty getting your pet out from underneath a bed or couch, leave them be. This is probably the safest spot for them.

Sage General Contractor is qualified and experienced to take on the management of your storm damage project. Call us (972-420-6500) or contact us here for a free, no obligation inspection of your home.