Storm Preparation Tips from Sage Roof Repair McKinney

Sage roof repair McKinney Storm Tips

Sometimes storm season in Texas can make you feel helpless as an owner of a home or vehicle, because lets face it you can only do so much! Sure you can put your car in the garage, or try to pull under a bridge when the sudden hailstorm appears out of nowhere… But what about your roof and home? You may not be able to completely protect your home from damaging elements, but Sage Roof Repair McKinney has a few tips to help you prepare for the unpredictable Texas storm season.


As the first line of defense against rain, ice, wind, and even Texas tornadoes, you should be getting your roof inspected regularly for damage. Small dents and missing shingles can add up to expensive repairs down the line if they aren’t detected. Before or after the storm Sage Roof Repair McKinney offers a free roof inspection, and will help make sure your roof is ready.


During tornados and hurricanes, a door flying open or a window breaking can cause a drastic increase in pressure that can severely damage your roof, making it act like a parachute. For this reason covering windows should be a priority, at the very least closing blinds/drapes and making sure all are locked and secured. Sage roof repair McKinney recommends installing permanent shutters as a long term investment, which can be closed and locked before a storm to protect your windows.


While having trees around your house in the summer might help with your Texas electric bill, they are not your friends in a severe storm. Branches that are within six feet of your house can act like large whips in high winds. Dead branches or sticks in the yard and bushes surrounding your home can turn into flying storm debri and damage your roof and windows.


This is a very important question, and one that is hopefully brought up before any major roof damage. Making sure you dont have any gaps in your home insurance is key in Texas, especially because the weather is so unpredictable. Sage roof repair McKinney Insurance experts will take care of everything after a storm, and we pride ourselves on our customer service.


Sage roof repair McKinney is qualified to handle any need on your property.

Give us a call today (972-420-6500) or contact us here to see how you can qualify for our FREE 10-year warranty. We offer a no-obligation inspection of your home.